6 Figtree Drive Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127

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Get “Deskercising”

by Henry Jones

Chances are you are sitting in front of a computer reading this blog, in between replying to mountains of emails and wondering where all the paper on your desk appeared from. “Exercise?” you think. “Who has time?” Well, believe it or not, there are quick and effective ways to get yourself moving and never leave your desk.
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Eating and Easter

by Isabel Young

Easter can be a tough time on the diet. However, it doesn’t have to be, here are a few tips on how to manage the holiday period while still having a few treats here and there.
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Iron – are you getting enough?

by Isabel Young

Iron is an essential nutrient, responsible for the transport of oxygen from our lungs to every other part of our body including muscles, our brain and organs (so it’s pretty important).
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Exercise is good for your health, but are you really getting enough?

by Malena Hall

We all have been told by health professionals, social media, and more than likely by our mums, that ‘exercise is good for your health’, but do we really understand the importance of it?
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‘Tis the season to eat junkfood…

by Samantha Lewis

The Christmas and New Year break is just around the corner, and for a lot of us, we start wondering how we're going to manage our nutritional intake over the break. Often, we write this time of year off before it's even here, and think about that all-too-common New Years Resolution - "Oh, I'll focus on exercise and nutrition in the New Year". Sound familiar???
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Sugars in the Australian Diet... Not so Sweet!

By Nicole Dynan

Did you know that the average Australian consumes 27 teaspoons of total sugars (added and naturally occurring sugar) per day? (1) The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendation for sugar intake is less than 10% of our total daily energy intake or approximately 6 teaspoons of sugar per day for normal weight adults (Note: 1 teaspoon is equivalent to ~4g sugar).
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Sydney Sports Medicine Centre
Level 2, NSWIS Building
6 Figtree Drive
Sydney Olympic Park
NSW 2127

Written Correspondence
PO Box 3275
Rhodes NSW 2138

  (02) 9764 3131           (02) 9764 3443


Appointments are available for some disciplines:

Mon - Fri

6:30am - 7:30pm
6:30am - 1:30pm

Reception is open:

Mon - Thurs

8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm

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